Useful Tips That Will Help Keep Your Chimney Clean Between Scheduled Cleanings


A home with a fireplace keeps you and your family cozy and warm throughout the chilly winter months, but it's always important to ensure that your chimney is in proper condition. To this end, it's beneficial to hire a chimney cleaner (such as one from Flue Doctor Chimney Service) to tend to your chimney once per year. The logical time to schedule this appointment is shortly before you start using the chimney each fall or early winter.

18 March 2016

3 Tips For Removing Coffee Stains From Carpets And Rugs


Of the different types of things you can spill on your carpets and rugs, coffee is one of the most frustrating. Its dark colour can quickly stain any colour of carpeting, especially when it is a lighter shade. However, it is possible to remove most, if not all, of the stain if you act fast. Blot the Coffee Spill Immediately The best thing you can do when you have a coffee stain on your carpet is to get to it right away.

17 March 2016

Has Water Started Flooding Your Basement? What To Know


If water has flooded into your basement you want to make two phone calls right away, to the flood cleaning company in your area and your homeowner's insurance company. Once you have notified these professionals about what is going on, they should start working on getting the water out of the basement. To make sure that you are safe from any type of moisture problems, you want to consider all of the following services for the home.

17 March 2016

Renting A Home Out? Here Are 3 Yearly Services You Should Include


Renting your home out is a great way to make a nice profit while you hold onto your investment as it appreciates. As a landlord, you can take advantage of a variety ofwrite-offs and credits when tax season rolls around. When it comes to keeping your home in optimal condition while being rented out, consider including these three yearly services in the rental price of the place: Chimney Sweeping With regular use of a fireplace in the home, creosote is sure to build up within the chimney and restrict air flow.

17 March 2016